New Zealand Fallow deer rut is in full swing. Unlike many other deer species Fallow Bucks will have a large rut pad they will hold, with the female does coming in to get serviced. Fallow Bucks make more of a croak like a frog which is very entertaining, yet not to underestimate these Bucks as often an explosive fight can lead to death of the looser. When you have high numbers of Fallow deer on properties in New Zealand you will have low numbers of Red deer. Our main wild and free ranging property that has Fallow deer on it has only ever seen one Red deer move through it. New Zealand Safaris is based right in the centre of the largest herds of Fallow deer in New Zealand. Not only do we offer hunts for trophy Bucks on private land, but we also do management hunt on the does and cull bucks to keep the numbers down, hunt for a natural meat source, and to manage the genetics to try and keep the lesser Bucks from breeding. We can hunt Fallow deer all year with the New Zealand Fallow deer being typically late March-End of April.